Martin commented today that his collar and cuff was rather whiffy. Next minute Nathan wandered to the laundry and came back with a peg firmly clipped on his nose! "I don't want that stink up my nose!" he said...cheeky little bugger!
On Tuesday Martin rang to say they were discharging him from hospital....leaving him to find his own way home! We live 700kms away!!! He asked them to organize plane seats from him from Rocky to Brisbane and then Brisbane to Barcaldine (we only have flights on Monday and Friday)....only to be told "You can't fly because you had the chest drain in." Thank God Wend's husband was on RDOs and been able to go and get Martin, because I was rained in. Michael drove 4 hrs, picked him up and drove back to Emerald that night, where they stayed in a motel for the evening and then drove a further 400kms on Wednesday. Luckily Martin handled the journey alot than we thought, but was very sore at the end of each day. I went in and picked up he and Alastair for the last leg of the drive home. Maybe yes the hospital couldn't do anything more for Martin but he still has the broken ribs and collarbone and they can't be plastered or strapped.
Now,Martin is going okay and still
tries to do a bit....very steadily of course. His stronger painkillers have just about run out and he can't get anymore, so he's cut them back to one a day and in the morning. It will be interesting to see how he gets on tonight. He's taken up residence in the lounge room in a borrowed Jason recliner...makes for a more comfortable sleep that in a bed. He still has some mighty bruises and other still coming out.
We could not have got through the last fortnight without the love and support of many family members and good friends. They know who they are and they know how much we have appreciated what they've done for us.
Nathan and I are 'getting there' with school...still behind, but we have all term to catch up so it's not worth stressing about....something I would have once done as I really don't like being behind. As long as we don't have anymore dramas this term, we'll be right. Think of us this weekend as you can guess what we'll be doing.