Monday, March 19, 2012

A busy month

Where are the weeks going? I can hardly believe it's almost the end of March.

Queensland introduced the new C2C National curriculum this year, we have had a much bigger workload with school. A lot more is expected from the children, right from the beginning of the schooling. We found unit 1 of year 3 HUGE and being caught in Brisbane for longer didn't help. Slowly but surely we have clawed our way through the work and by the end of unit 1, we weren't too far behind. Roll in unit much easier at the start (or maybe we had just got used to the workload and have developed a good routine that works well for us) and we are cruising along and actually a little ahead! It feels so good.

It's almost 2 weeks since someone in this family celebrated a 'significant' birthday. I'm not telling who, but if you know our family, then you'll know who. (The colour of the icing gives it away doesn't it?)

We are having a party at Easter, so I've been spending as much time in the garden as I possibly can, which really is bugger all during the week. I spent this whole last weekend out there and boy did I need it. Gardening is terrific therapy. Yes I should have done the ironing, sucked up the spiders with the vacuum and mopped the floors as well as the rest of the housework but I needed to be outside. What great therapy gardening is! Work is also progressing on the arbor Martin is making for over the front gate. It's all made from recycled products. I will tell you more about it when it's finished and in place.

Last Thursday Martin bought 110 PTIC (preg. tested in calf) heifers at the local sale yards

One calved in the sale yards the morning of the sale. He, his mum and two other heifers close to calving all shared one half of a deck on the track that brought them out. We nicknamed him Baa and his mum Ma.

At first we thought we'd need to feed him as his Ma doesn't have much milk, but we found him feeding from her and then looking better and more active so we left them be. She's incredibly quiet and wasn't at all worried or stressed when we went near her or the calf. In fact, at one stage, Nathan was patting them both.

One the weekend, Alastair did all the cooking for the wedding of one of his workmates. This was his first big cooking project by himself. I spoke with him on Sunday morning and he was on a high, a little hungover, but on a high all the same. All had gone well and he'd received great compliments...what more could a chef want! We are so proud of him. Well done Alastair.

Thanks you looking,

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