Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Crafty Weekend

During this last weekend, Martin and I did some workshops with Adriaan and Denise Vanderlugt. a very crafty and clever couple. Martin did hebel sculpting (Nathan did it with him) and I did coiled basketry using recycled materials. Not only was it fun to creating with like minded people, socializing and meeting new people was wonderful.
Martin first sculpted a ute and then he did some chain links.

 I created a little coiled pot with a lid and a little oval mat. It's not perfect or straight, but hey that's what practice is for!  The core I have used in these is old plastic bags, but you can also use strips of denim, orange and onion bags, rope...almost anything as long as it doesn't break down. I plan to make some little octopuses for a little baby's room. They are so cute and bright and colourful.

I would really love to do the hebel sculpture but the next workshop is during the week and with school it's too hard to get away, especially as we are already behind. Hopefully next time Adriaan comes I can do it.

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