Thursday, December 31, 2009
Last layout ...

Our total rainfall is now almost 9 inches.
The pups are complaining that there's nowhere dry outside for them to play...not even under the house!

Look who's snuggled in Nathan's sandpit:

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
More rain!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
There's Rain
This gorgeous little girl is my Christmas present form Craig and Kathryn. Khloee is almost 7 weeks old and weighs a neat 1kg, so you can imagine how little and fine she is. Like Charli, she's a mini foxie. She lets the boys know she's no pushover getting the skids after them when she thinks necessary. Charli wasn't too sure of her at first and is not keen to share my lap, but he's warming to her.....this morning they were sharing toys and playing. I must say she has a much better yap than Charli....we are hoping his voice will break!

At the moment we have 7 dogs here as Craig brought his heeler and we are pup sitting for our neighbour!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Turn-Off Decoration

Here he is!

Our young neighbour Hilary was introduced to Zapp yesterday and he gave her quite a chuckle too!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Zapp, the red dog.
Me: Okay, and who's dog is he? (Thinking he belonged to one of the shearers.)
Adam: Wait and see...but you're gonna love him! He rides on the back of the sheep, bites when necessary, barks when stirred, sits and stays on command and generally does a brilliant job! He has many hidden talents; I'll show you tonight.
Well when I saw Zapp, I couldn't stop laughing....and when I can take a photo of him, you'll see why. But Adam was right, he came in very useful and did do a brilliant job! His only drawback? He doesn't come when called. Bonus? He's very cheap to feed and unlike 3 little pups I know, doesn't get into mischief.
I made good use of Zapp on Thursday night and then allowed Adam to use him when we drafted last night...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Layout Share
I loved the sound of Jodi's mystery challenge, she is such a talented lady. Here is my end result, however I used one photo instead of three.

Here is my version of it.

This morning we were out mustering by 5.30am and tonight we are drafting again after dinner...so we're headed for a very long day, especially for one little boy.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Are we mad??
So at about 7.30pm and after a very early dinner, we headed off. The yards were already full, with more ewes in the netting yard. I'd been told the yards had been watered to settle the dust...well not where I was working!! The sheep did rattle through and in no time at all we were moving those out of the netting yard and drafting again. The drawback?? Stumbling around in the half light at the back of the yards and stumbling over gidyea stones, water pipes and buffel grass stubble!! While Adam was bounding around like a bandicoot (how he can do that after being up since 5am beats me) I preferred to have one foot on the ground at all times. By 9.30pm Nathan was exhausted and found a woolpack to lie on near the race while we finished up. At 10pm we headed home to a shower and bed. "We should draft at night all the time!" was Martin's comment...yeh...and when would we sleep?
Tomorrow night it all happens again!
Monday, December 14, 2009

Shearing got underway this morning. We've had drizzly rain on and off last night and most of today...only enough to be a darned nuisance. however, the weather is way cooler and much better for the shearers.
Friday, December 11, 2009
A long week
We brought three pups home with us...thank goodness only one will live here...Martin has called his pup "Killer" yeh right!! He's more likely to run up and give you a big lick more so than chew your leg!

And these two are off to Brisbane. This little cute fluffy guy is Kathryn's pup....she's still pondering on a name for him.

This little blue fella is called "Kegs"

On Tuesday we started mustering for shearing. As the days are so hot, there are 5am starts, a break doing other jobs for a few hours then mustering again resuming at 5pm. On Wednesday we walked a mob of about 2 000 ewes plus their lambs to a paddock closer to the shed, not getting there until 7.50pm. Thank goodness for headlights and luckily there wasn't any traffic as they crossed the main road. Hopefully we didn't leave any lambs hiding under bushes!
Rain for 2009 has been few and far between with our only decent fall for the year coming at Easter. However it didn't cover all of our country. We now have two empty dams, another that's getting very low (it hasn't had any water added to it for about 2 years) and our house dam will only last another fortnight! Martin and Adam shifted the rams from the Ram Paddock as they keep getting bogged in the dam and they are wayyyy to expensive to lose.

Dry dams are a very sad and sorry sight. Hopefully there will soon be respite from the heat and good soaking rains, but it's certainly too late for a green Christmas....maybe New Year??
Thursday, December 3, 2009
OTP Items

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Secret Santa

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
A new arrival!

Charli is very inquisitive, as you can imagine and yesterday wandered straight under the sprinkler, not at all fazed by getting wet!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
More challenges done!
Here's his layout for Wendy's kid's challenge: scrap a food you really don't like. Be sure to use ribbon or ric rac and chipboard.

My layout is for Jodi's challenge: scrap imperfect behaviour, feature journaling, the words "Chuckin' a tanty", distressing and a punched shape.

We also have a special arrival coming on Friday.....but I'm telling you anything more.....yet!
Monday, November 9, 2009
SWV Cybercrop Challenges
Challenge 1 with Brigitte: Main colours of brown, blue and green, 1 blurred photo (mounted on white or cream), a quote or poem and only one type of embellishment. This was also a part blind challenge. Nathan badly wanted me to scrap these photos.

Blind Challenge with Kylie:

Sketch Challenge with Taryn:

I still have 2 more challenges to complete and Nathan had one, so we are still scrapping.....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Thank you Tina!!

Here are the rules of this award:
1. Use one word answers
2. Pass it along to 5 of your favourite bloggers.
3. Alert them that you have given them this award.
1. Where is your cell phone? Handbag
2. your hair? brushed
3. Your mother? busy
4. Your father? intelligent
5. Your fave food? roast
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favourite drink? tea
8. Your dream/goal? contentment
9. What room are you in? Schoolroom
10. your hobby? scrapbooking
11. Your fears? snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren't? lazy
15. Muffins? No
16. Wish list item? rain
17. Where did you grow up? city
18. Last thing you did? eat
19. What are you wearing? clothes
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pets? few
22. Friends? cherished
23. Your life? busy
24. Your mood? relaxed
25. Missing someone? sons
26. Vehicle? Mazda
27. Something your not wearing? shoes
28. Your fave store? scrapbooking
29. Your fave colour? blue
30. Last time you laughed? yesterday
31. Last time you cried? recently
32. Your best friend? talented
33. One place you go over and over? online
34. One person who emails regularly? Chris
35. Fave place to eat? Home
Okay so now the hard part...giving out more awards! Choosing 5 is so much harder that I thought.
1. Neek
2. Amy
3. Wendy
4. Lisa
5. Krissy
Sunday, November 1, 2009
One Proud Lad

And cutting a celebratory cake

He has worked very hard and loves his job in Brisbane with a company that manufactures widening and fixed width trailers for heavy haulage and house removal, like these:

Congratulations Craig, you deserve to be so proud of your achievement. We are so very proud of you.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Card Making Workshop

Mary also showed us how to make this cute little box....all from paper and not a spit of adhesive to be seen. The design locks together beautifully. This is a great way to 'wrap' a gift in a different and fun way. Although it may look complicated, it was really quite simple.

Monday, October 26, 2009
Not Fair!
Flash decided very early in the peace that he was my dog and did all he could to protect me to the extent that if I was holding him, someone else could not pat him...he would bite them. One brother-in-law found that out very quickly! Flash was not a 'snake dog' and if he ever saw one he seemed to turn his back...maybe he did that once too often.

We haven't lost a dog to a snake in over 20 years and now we lose 2 in 24 hours, you just couldn't believe it.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Goodbye Sami

Sami was my dog, my little companion and only 16 months old. He loved to sneak up behind me and then jump up with his skinny little "chicken legs" resting on the back of mine. When I sat down, he'd bound up, make himself comfy on my lap and give me the most adoring looks.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Nathans Kid's Challenges
He plans to give the card to his teacher on World Teacher's Day.

Mini Album
So here 'tis:
Front cover:

Monday, October 19, 2009
Final Cybercrop layout.
This is Tina's challenge: Use wordart on a sepia photo and then scrap the photo with a title including the words 'everyday moments'.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Scrapping away....
Kylie's Challenge: Create a layout of something you do everyday...a time you enjoy and has a special meaning BUT no photos!

My journaling says
This year I am back in the schoolroom as a home tutor...after a break of seven years. Living a distance from town, has meant my children have been educated through a
This has taken enormous organization and dedication but that’s okay, it’s my children’s education at stake. We’ve had our good days, our fun days, our challenging days and our really bad days. But I wouldn’t swap it for anything. I love knowing what my children learn, being so intimately involved in their schooling, being part of a wonderful school community and making new friends from such a large area.
This will be my ‘everyday’ for the next seven years and I have absolutely no regrets."
Kim's Challenge: Create a layout that includes, a sepia 5 x 7 photo, stamping, gold, die cut paper and 'moment' in the title.

Wendy planned a blind challenge and gave out instructions. Here is my interpretation of them:

Brigitte posed a card challenge using something old, something new, something recycled and something blue.

I still have one challenge to complete...so stay tuned!