This morning I completed the
June 123 Challenge. The criteria was fabric, buttons and handstitching. I opted for colours I very rarely use and that made it more of a challenge. However, I am really pleased with the way my layout has turned out.

The photo of Narni (my grandmother) and Nathan was taken in Singleton, NSW in early April this year.
Here is the my
Black with 2 challenge layout. The criteria was black being dominant with natural, blue and butterflies.

Nathan is quiet and still...something that very rarely happens, so I had to capture the moment!
And finally for today, my
White with 1 challenge layout. The criteria? Dominant white with red and brackets. Using red was a real challenge but nothing ventured, nothing gained!
I have wanted to scrap these photos for a few years and this challenge was the perfect opportunity.

Like two of his older brothers, Nathan has always been keen on books and now loves to 'read' them himself. Every day, we take the time to enjoy at least one book together.