Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bend Hole Dam

Bend Hole Dam would be the most photographed dam on our property and it's not hard to see why.

The backwaters at each of the dams are like lakes...water everywhere but only relatively shallow. The bird life seems to increase almost daily.

I have always wanted to get a good photo of a water reflection and at Bend Hole dam I found just that.

On Tuesday we had to go to Longreach. Luckily we knew what the sandflies would be like and we were prepared. The minute we arrived and opened the car doors...they flooded in! Shops and businesses with air-conditioning were lucky, but there were plenty that didn't have that privilege.

I picked up Khloee's vaccinations from the vet while there. She wasn't at all happy to sit still to have it or with me when I gave it to her.

1 comment:

Lea said...

Wow!! What stunning photos of Bend Hole Ker. Looking bewdiful after all of your rain.